Thursday, July 21, 2016

I've Found a GREAT Video: PoolSide Profits Review | Is Pool Side Profits WORTH IT? (Detailed Review)

PoolSide Profits Review | Is Pool Side Profits WORTH IT? (Detailed Review)
(OMG I LOVE IT) PoolSide Profits Review - Watch my Poolside Profits review video... Bill Hugall released Poolside profits on July 20th @ $9.95 price point... Well I decided to buy it myself and figure out what kind of experience you would get by buying Bill's shiny thing (that's what I call it). Bill Hugall's Pool Side Profits is a step by step video training that shows you how to make an affiliate site that's paid to join where you will promote affiliate offers to the members. It's just a fancy way to say "product launching"... But I guess that's too mainstream now. Bill is pretty smart about positionning this. By not calling the PL (product launching) name, he is demonstrating to newbies that this is doable and there's no reason to freak out about it (really, there isn't any reason why you should freak out of product launching). This is what Bill says you will need to make Pool Side Profits work for you: - Hosting - Autoresponder - Facebook account - WarriorPlus account - Page Builder - Ability to read... If you're serious about your business, I'm sure you have most of the above... Well, let's be completely honest about this: This IS product launching. But, - Do you need to have a fancy claim & proof of results to make this work? NOPE. Bill says that there's a difference between selling INFO vs selling CLAIMS. It's explained inside Pool Side Profits... - Do you need a fancy salespage design & crazy copywriting skills? No. You can write your own copy yourself using the free copywriting webinar that Bill Hugall has been generous enough to give as a bonus (this is probably worth 100x what you will pay...) - How much time do you need per day to make this work? Personally, I've released a product in under a week. If I can do it, there's no god damn reason on earth why you can't. Do it. You can release your first product in less than a week :) - Is success guaranteed with this? Hell no. You're an entrepreneur, there's no guaranteed results whatsoever. You have to know that there is always risk. And risk is what makes this entrepreneurship fun. You get out of your comfort zone. And You make shit happen. - How much money can you make with Poolside profits? A lot. Bill is making multiple six figures a year as far as I know... I know people making seven figures with this same business model... But don't be too optimistic because your first one can totally flop... Probably the second one will too... You fail, you learn, you get better with time... This is business. You evolve :) - I have other questions about Pool Side Profits... I always reply to questions in the comments section, so please post yours below & I'll get back to you as soon as I see it. I really really really like Bill... One thing that proved me that he is a good guy is what happened yesterday to me... Well, I bought the course, and my router auto-rebooted, so it changed its IP fast... For safety reasons, Warrior+Plus locked me out of my account till the password resets... I couldn't get access to the product for a few hours... I contacted Bill 1minute after that shizzle happened.. He got back to me instantly & gave me a gift right off the hook (thank you Bill)... (it was an upsell of Poolside profits, yay) Let's talk upsells: This isn't going to be a rollercoaster of 15upsells & downsells to trick you into buying everything they're offering... Nope. Bill offers you: - Upsell One: = 3 Case Studies = I can't remember the exact numbers, but there's one with $1000 day... and one with $3,000/mo... and one with over Six Figures in revenue... They're all affiliate promos case studies (which is cooooooool) Bill shows you exactly the same "Cluster" or promo schedule or email sequence he has used to get such amazing numbers... GREAT value here $27 for the video training (28mins)... - Downsell One: If you decide not to pick up Upsell One, you will be offered the same case studies BUT without videos. You will only get a pdf that explains it... $17 for the pdf... - Upsell Two: Here's the cool part, This upsell will be offered ONLY IF YOU GET UPSELL ONE... (or downsell one) So if you don't get Upsell one or the downsell, you will not be offered this, so you won't be too spammed with them upsells. Plus this will only be helpful for you if you get Upsell 1, so it's not just another rehashed upsell from all the funnels he sets up (oops..) This is a High Quality DFY email series that you can plug & promote highly profitable offers. If you don't know or like to write email sequences, Bill's got you covered in this one. $47. No downsell. That's it :) My verdict: Great course. For the price it's out at... It's a no-brainer for anyone. I mean... I bought it myself! You can grab Pool side profits here: Cheers, Alaa Khassa. poolside profits review pool side profits review bill hugall poolside profits review
On Youtube Thanks for watching

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